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IDI’s 2018 annual holiday party
January 2019  
Innovative News
Welcome to 2019 as IDI begins our 19th year in business. As we kick off the New Year we look forward to working on exciting new digital projects both in the US and Europe.
In the first quarter of 2019 we will continue to scan for a University in Southern California including two projects with over 300,000 images of periodicals and manuscripts. We also will kick off a 4.5 million image microfilm/fiche project for a Labor Union at our NJ facility. Last week we set up to digitize a prestigious collection at a National Museum in Pennsylvania.
The Atlantic Highlands Historical Society has contracted IDI to digitize historic newspapers and have the PDF images accessible and key word searchable utilizing our popular Digi-Find-it Portal.
On Jan 1st, 2019 published works from the year 1923 became free for all to use and build on without permissions or fees that copyrights protected. Literary works by famous authors such as Robert Frost will be free to use and build on without permissions or fees. This is because in 1998 Congress hit a 2 decade pause button and extended copyright terms for 20 years given works published between 1923 and 1977 and expanded term of 95 years. Now each year going forward one additional year will be free of copyright. In 2020 works under copyright protection from 1924 works will be freed up.
IDI’s open access NJ history site launched in late 2018 has been a great success NJ Historical Portal. The site currently receives 800 hits per month and was only recently launched in October. We will continue to add new content as well as historical information from the year 1924 in 2020.
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Innovative Document Imaging