January 2022

2021 has passed and we are all praying that 2022 is the year the virus passes as well. We want to wish all our customers, prospects, and suppliers a belated healthy and happy New Year!

As we begin the New Year IDI is in full production. We will be kicking off two on location Publishing projects in the Northeast at a historical society and a museum. The collections include rare and valuable books, manuscripts, and artifacts.

Raritan Public Library in New Jersey has contracted with IDI for digitizing a historical collection of local newspapers that will be available on a DigiFind-it platform in April. IDI has also been awarded a large imaging project for a prestigious Midwestern University including 1,000,000 pages of historic documents, VHS tapes, 16mm movie film and 35mm slides.

IDI is initiating a marketing campaign to all the Public Libraries and historical societies in the US as IDI houses a nearly complete collection of all the US City Directories that IDI can deliver by region city or town, in a digital searchable and or on microfilm. IDI hosts hundreds of DigiFind-it web sites that we have created the digital content for including: local newspapers, yearbooks, and other local history that the city directories can be added to. Or a new portal can be developed for your library or historical society.

City directories are excellent for locating people in a particular place at a particular time and should be one of the first places searched for clues about ancestors. The directories were annually updated, list where an ancestor lived and worked and can help you locate them in census years. Additional benefits include:
· Tracing addresses in City Directories helps locate other documents-draft cards.
· City Directories differentiate between people of the same name as they often list-occupations, marital status, and employers.
· Addresses for churches, cemeteries and businesses may be listed as well as officers and leaders of organizations.

IDI will be sponsoring and exhibiting at the Public Library Association Conference in Portland, Oregon in March as well as at the New Jersey Library Association Conference in Atlantic City, NJ in June. IDI’s Director of Sales Jordan Baron will lead a panel discussion for ARMA NJ (Association of Records Managers & Administrators) in March. The topic at hand is: “Digitization: Navigating the Pandemic in Virtual and Remote Environments”.

Have a look at our latest post on “Today in History” on our Instagram page:
Innovative Document Imaging “Today in History

Innovative Document Imaging LLC
PHONE: 732-613-7170
FAX: 732-613-2788
ADDRESS: 410 New Brunswick Ave. East Brunswick, NJ 08816
230 Long Hill Cross Rd. Shelton, CT 06484